How to Keep a Healthy Home, Mind, and Body During COVID-19

Staying safe and healthy during this chaotic, unprecedented time is extremely important. Here are a few useful tips from Dr. Zenovia to keep a healthy home, mind, and body during COVID-19.
3 Pillars of a Healthy Immune System
Practice Good Sleep Hygiene: A great way to keep your immune system strong during this time is to make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. Sleep is a pillar of good health and one of the most restorative activities for the human body. Sticking to a normal 7-9-hour sleep schedule will ultimately help strengthen your mind and body.
Eat Healthy: Eating a healthy diet also contributes to a healthy immune system. A plant-based diet that is low in sugar, dairy and animal protein allows you to build up your defenses from the inside and reduce inflammation in the body.
Exercise Regularly: Numerous studies have shown that keeping a moderate exercise routine positively impacts the immune system and all organ systems to keep you in optimal health. Taking walks and doing at home workouts is extremely beneficial during this time.
Immunity Boosters
Taking antioxidants can reduce the risk of oxidative stress which is the source of many diseases including cancer. Antioxidants can also slow or prevent damage to your cells caused by free radicals. Dr. Zenovia recommends Astaxanthin as it is one of the strongest antioxidants- 6000 times stronger than Vitamin C! Probiotics keep our delicate microbiomes balanced and keeps the gut, skin and immune system functioning properly, reducing the risk of disease.
Meditation and Mindfulness
Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help relieve heightened anxiety from watching constant COVID-19 news updates. Taking a few minutes each day to meditate and practice staying in the present moment allows the mind and body to de-stress.
At Home Activities
A few things Dr. Zenovia has been doing to enjoy her time at home is watching movies with her family, reading books, sitting down for family meals, and trying new recipes. Taking the time we have to be inside with our families allows us to pause from our busy routines and be more present with those around us. Now is the time to reflect, learn a new skill, or just enjoy the time you have with your loved ones.
Protect Your Skin Barrier
Dr. Zenovia recommends washing your hands often, especially when you go out shopping or before you eat to ensure you are not bringing in any type of virus into your home and body. Hand sanitizer serves as an effective and quick disinfectant between meals and activities. Dry hands may become more frequent due to over-washing and over-sanitizing, so using lotion is essential to prevent flaking, and dry, cracked skin. To avoid spreading germs, ensure your skin’s barrier (which protects you from the outside world) is functioning optimally. This can be achieved through proper skin moisturization. Dr. Zenovia recommends using hydrating products that are packed with ceramides.
Keep Surfaces Clean
Wiping down common surfaces a few times a day in a household is important to fight off germs. If you wipe any surfaces with a 70% alcohol-based disinfectant, you must let that disinfectant sit on the surface for at least 30 seconds before you wipe it down. This way, the virucidal (virus killing) properties are able to take effect.
Note from Dr. Z: I hope my tips will help you maintain the best possible mental and physical health during this time period. Continue to stay calm, happy, and healthy, as we are all going through this together. Make sure to call up some old friends, help neighbors in need, and keep moisturizing!
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