Dr. Zenovia’s Personal History | International Women's Day

March 8th is International Women’s Day, A holiday that celebrates the progress we have made for the rights of women around the globe. Below, Dr. Zenovia shares her family's history and her goal of helping women feel empowered when it comes to advancing in life. Dr. Zenovia also believes women should learn how to take care of their skin's health. Skin care isn’t frivolous- it is intrinsically connected to our overall well-being and confidence.
My Personal History
My full birth given name is Zenovia. It is a family name that carries a very special meaning. You see, traditional Greek culture is patriarchal, and women are required to name their first child after the husband’s parents. Greek women would have to wait until the second child was born to honor her parents’ names. However, in my family, there are records dating back to the 1800s that my female ancestors broke this tradition and named their first-born daughters after their own mother. Each generation essentially “stole” the first-born girl’s name, naming their daughters Zenovia or Anna after their own mothers. The name Zenovia continues to skip a generation, alternating between Zenovia and Anna. Each historic generation of women found a way to keep this tradition alive without conforming to their husband’s will or the pressures of the Greek patriarchal tradition.
I am blessed to come from a family of strong women devoted to their children as well as their passions and work. Family history is so important to me because we don’t get anywhere alone. I am proud to carry my grandmother’s name and be a part of this custom.
Four Generations- My Great Grandmother Anna, My Grandmother Zenovia, & My Mom Anna Holding Me:
As someone who came from a first-generation Greek American family, I had very few professional role models growing up- especially women. On the day that I received my acceptance letter for medical school, I remember squealing with joy and waving the letter in the air to show my dad. He responded, “What's going on? What happened?” When I explained that my dream of getting into medical school to become a dermatologist came true, he replied “Oh, you don’t need to be a doctor. You’re getting married to one. Be done with school now.” I know that my dad meant well and that his frame of reference was limited, but it was actually his response that pushed me to forge ahead even more. My humble rearing fueled my ambition to invest in myself and gain real self-confidence as a woman.
At Graduation With My Grandmother, YiaYia. She Was With Me Every Step of the Way:
Celebrating Women- Today & Everyday
When I see the name Zenovia on my skincare products, I don’t see myself. I see my grandmother and mother who helped pave the path I took. I see my daughter, Anna, who is now fourteen, growing to be a wonderful young woman. I see my patients and their skin transformations. And I see everyone who has researched, tried, and purchased my clinical-grade topicals since our launch.
Female empowerment is really about being in the driver’s seat when it comes to our life goals, passions, and decisions. By developing expertise in hormonal dermatology, it is my goal to help educate women on their skin, hormones, and overall health so that they feel confident and ready to take on the world each and every day.
For women, drastic hormonal fluctuations vary during the six hormonal life stages: puberty, pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. These hormonal fluctuations affect our skin directly and can result in acne, rosacea, melasma, psoriasis, and accelerated aging. Helping women be fully informed about these hormonal skin issues and how to best treat them remains my daily inspiration. We are committed to educating as many women as possible at Dr. Zenovia Skincare. Education is power.
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