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Scientific Research
One of the most influential hormones on overall skin health and its youthful appearance is estrogen, which is responsible for maintaining fluid balance and structural integrity in the skin.
In fact, scientific studies have demonstrated a clear relationship between estrogen levels and the age women appear due to their overall skin health.
Medical research has also proven that imbalanced estrogen levels are a key contributor to hormonal acne, which is why so many physicians often prescribe birth control pills to help offset hormonal imbalances.
As very little research existed within the medical community on hormonal skin, Dr. Zenovia spent several pivotal years doing extensive research and conducting clinical trials in her office to eventually become a world physician expert on hormones and their link to skin health. As a result, Dr. Zenovia pioneered a new category in skin science, introducing the breakthrough, new field of hormonal dermatology.
As facial skin has more estrogen receptors than anywhere else on the body, Dr. Zenovia was particularly interested in researching the impact plant-derived phytoestrogens had on skin. She uncovered scientific data proving the power of phytoestrogens to bind to estrogen receptors and initiate important signal pathways in the skin.

phyto solution
REG-ulate360 COMPLEX™
Dr. Zenovia’s breakthrough research in the field of hormonal dermatology led to the creation of the first-ever dermatologist-developed skin care technology to help address the appearance of hormone-impacted skin: REG-ulate360 Complex™.
Featuring medical-grade actives including Resveratrol, Vitamin E, Green Tea, Bakuchiol, and a cutting-edge, plant-derived phytoestrogen known as Genistein, this proprietary technology helps restore the appearance of hormonally imbalanced skin to an optimal healthy state.

Clinical results
Dr. Zenovia Skin Care
Essentials regimen
* Participant used Dr. Zenovia's Essentials line over a 6-week trial period.
Dr. Zenovia Skin Care
Acne Regimen
* Participant used Dr. Zenovia's Clear Complexion line over a 6-week trial period.