How I Cleared My Postpartum Hormonal Acne | Skin Stories

April 29, 2021
How I Cleared My Postpartum Hormonal Acne | Skin Stories

Dr. Zenovia Skincare aims to showcase the stories of real people. Hormones have a huge impact on our skin’s health throughout life’s various stages, and postpartum is no exception! In this post, Jackie, a mama of two sweet boys shares how she managed to clear her postpartum hormonal acne. Everyone has a unique perspective and skin story 

Experiencing Postpartum Hormonal Acne  

During both of my pregnancies, I had no skin issues! My skin was beautiful, and I enjoyed the well-known “pregnancy glow”. After the birth of my first son, I experienced some dryness and dullness, but nothing that a hydrating moisturizer couldn’t fix. After giving birth to my second son, however, I was not as lucky. I have never really had bad acne- maybe a pimple here or there, but after Raphael was born, I began breaking out on my cheeks, chin, and forehead. It was super frustrating to get hormonal jawline acne for the first time in my thirties and I was nervous about what products would be safe to use while breastfeeding.  

Postpartum Hormonal Acne-Clearing Skincare Routine 

To help reduce hormonal acne flare-ups postpartum, I chose breastfeeding safe over-the-counter topicals that my doctor cleared. I also drank plenty of water throughout the day and incorporated fruits and vegetables into all my meals. By sticking to a morning and nighttime skin regimen (even when I was super tired), my hormonal acne cleared eventually although I still experience the occasional breakout. I also have some dark spots and hyperpigmentation from my acne. Incorporating Dr. Zenovia’s Clear Complexion products into my current routine really helps treat existing pimples and prevents future blemishes from forming.   

Postpartum Skin Tips & Self-Care  

As a new mom, you have a million things to do, and taking care of your skin can easily fall to the wayside. When I only have a few minutes, I stick to the basics of cleansing and moisturizing. I also keep all my skincare products in one place in my bathroom so that they are at arm's reach and easy to use when I'm super tired.  

When we look good, we feel good so no matter how many kids you have or how few minutes are available for yourself, don’t forget to incorporate moments of self-careI also try to find ways to simplify my routine and include the kids. For example, I love doing a face mask while answering emails at night or working out in the living room with the kids to have some fun while burning calories.  

Now that I’m no longer breastfeeding, I have been using some of Dr. Zenovia’s Clear Complexion products which have been effective at keeping my skin blemish-free. I use the 10% Glycolic Acne Control Peel Pads 2-3 times a week- it's a holy grail exfoliant for me and has really helped improve the appearance of my hyperpigmentationI also love using Dr. Zenovia’s Aloe Vera Blemish Soothing Moisturizer. It is gentle for my acne-prone skin and effectively reduces skin redness. The one product I cannot live without is the 5% Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Spot TreatmentUsing this product on stubborn blemishes makes them disappear within a few days.  

Jackie’s Top Skin Care Tips  

If I could go back and give my younger self some skincare advice my number one tip would be to wear sunscreen daily. As much as I hate to admit it, I didn’t really pay attention to sun protection back then and I am starting to see the effects of sun damage now. I would also tell my younger self to do a better job of gently removing makeup at night. There were countless nights in my teens where I would come home from a party and be too lazy to wash my face properly.  

I saw the biggest difference in my skin by sticking to a skincare routine with quality ingredients. Additionally, healthy lifestyle choices are imperative for overall skin health. Drink more water, eat your veggies, improve your sleep quality, and I promise it will show on your skin!  


Jackie @jaquelinespadoni is a blogger, wife, and mama to two sweet boys. She loves sharing fashion, beauty, and family trips on her blog to inspire others to live life to the fullest!  

Note from Dr. Zenovia: Dr. Zenovia Skincare products are safe to use during pregnancy. However, women who are pregnant should always consult with their doctor before beginning a new skincare regimen. Breastfeeding moms should avoid products with retinolAHA’s, and BHA’s. Dr. Zenovia Skincare products that contain these ingredients include Dr. Zenovia’s Advanced Retinol Night Repair Treatment, Retinol Recovery Eye Cream, 10% Glycolic Acne Control Peel Pads, 5% Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Spot Treatment, and the 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Cleanser.